Solutions for the machine park
Full control over machines and equipment for efficient management and maintenance when needed.
Contractors are dependent on machines and equipment on a construction site being operational around the clock. Our solutions provide full control over maintenance tasks to avoid unnecessary downtime, increased efficiency and reduced costs.

Driver verification
Fully automated solution for driver verification, alcohol testing and training modules for the fleet.

Automation of maintenance based on operating hours, mileage or time interval.

Fleet overview
Total oversikt for din maskin og utstyr flåte i ett enkelt grensesnitt.
I forhold til gjeldende regelverk og pålagt vedlikehold fra AMV som produsent, så håndterer EFFERA-systemet dette på en meget bra måte. Samtidig gir det AMV muligheter til oppfølgning av våre maskiner på en ny måte, noe som bidrar til en mer effektiv drift og lavere kostnader hos våre kunder.
Peder Andersen,

Vi i AGTunnel har fokus på å redusere kostnadene for maskinene våre samtidig som vi ønsker å unngå driftsstopp.
Vi ønsket også en enkel måte å samle inn dokumentasjon om daglig vedlikehold, samt rapportere eventuelle mangler, skader eller feil som operatørene oppdager på maskinene.
Dette oppnår vi gjennom EFFERA-systemet som vi benytter.
Kai-Roger Johansen,
Maskinansvarlig, AGTunnel

Solutions for the tunnel industry
Full overview of personnel and machines that are in a tunnel or on a construction site
Our solutions use tracking technology for a full overview of the location of both crew, machines and equipment, all you need is a tracking chip or a smartphone. This contributes to a more efficient working day and at the same time an invaluable tool in an emergency situation.
Our solution generates electronic crew lists that simplify required reporting and meet regulatory requirements.

Crew list
Full overview of people who are or have been inside the construction area and who are inside the tunnel.

Tunnel ventilation
Get full control of fan speed and full control of electricity costs. Good for the economy, good for the employees and good for the environment.
Communication solutions
Communication solutions play an important role for collaboration, safety and efficiency in the workplace.
Push-to-talk (PTT) and digital radio are highly demanded solutions for communication. PTT provides instant two-way communication, similar to a walkie-talkie, while digital radio ensures clear speech even in noisy environments or areas with poor coverage. We can also offer a wide range of additional equipment to optimize these solutions.

Push-to-talk (PTT) is an instant communication solution that provides fast and practical two-way communication at the push of a button.

Digital radio
Digital radio, especially UHF (Ultra High Frequency), provides clear and reliable voice communication even in demanding environments with noise or limited coverage.
What happens in effera
Implenia leder an med banebrytende teknologi fra Effera!
Fremtidsrettet digitalisering for sikker maskindrift
Leveranseansvarlig for maskinløsninger
Optimalisert effektivitet og sikkerhet.
Testkonferansen Odin 2023
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